Congressional Term Limits

Read the following article.  Decide whether or not you believe that term limits should be imposed on members of Congress.  Make sure to include data, anecdotes, or other evidence that supports your viewpoint.


  1. I think there should be term limits so our congressmen and senators are more focused on improving our country and less on getting re-elected. - Charlotte

  2. i think terms should be limited to 3 years instead of 6. i say this because its make out government more of a democracy than it already is. it'd give the people more chances to choose who represents them. i just think 6 years is too long considering our president doesn't even get to stay in office that long. and its already bad enough that once a person becomes incumbent its easier for them to be reelected.

  3. I think that we should have term limits because the majority of Americans believe that term limits would help, and it would be good to have new ideas every now and then in congress so we can make progress as a country. "About 80 percent of Americans support the concept, and pollsters find the breadth of that support remarkable." -- Kali Wade

  4. The political energy needed for a term limit is the need for a citizen legislature. Americans would rather live a life in a private sectarian civil society outside of the governmental world of political society. There is hard evidence that the three limit will ehance the democratic process. The three term limit will not go through just voting but participation to the people as well. The longer someone is in congress the more exposed and influenced they are.

  5. The political energy needed for a term limit is the need for a citizen legislature. Americans would rather live a life in a private sectarian civil society outside of the governmental world of political society. There is hard evidence that the three limit will ehance the democratic process. The three term limit will not go through just voting but participation to the people as well. The longer someone is in congress the more exposed and influenced they are.

  6. Term Limits should be imposed on members of Congress. It will increase in the number of citizens seeking office and enhance the democratic process

  7. Congress should have term limits so they can properly focus on the nation as a whole rather than benefitting their individual districts. As we know from the testimony of Edward H. Crane most Americans agree that congress should have term limits however politicians and members of congress disagree getting us no where. Also in Grave's testimony is a quote from Roger Sherman (rhode island) “Representatives ought to return home and mix with the people. By remaining at the seat of government, they would acquire the habits of the place, which might differ from those of their constituents.” This explains the idea that members of congress differ in needs from the average american and to be completely committed to being a citizen legislature congress members must do what is best for the majority of the nation not specific districts.

  8. I think that congressional terms can be a plus for us, as Americans. Getting a different variety of people and switching it up allows for there to be fresh ideas and overall "change". Also it can be a start to eliminating the stereotypical Christian white male in office, also increase the amount of bills passed.

  9. I believe that term limits should be implemented into Congress to achieve a 'citizens legislature'. This means having Representatives that have not sat in Congress for many terms, possibly developing habits and opinions that differ from their constituents. Around 80% of Americans support this idea of term limits across several demographics, yet many Congress members and government officials do not supper the idea.

  10. I think that getting different people into office can benefit all Americans. People being reelected often may cause some to not feel as though they are being properly represented.- Mahlete Massa

  11. I feel that congress should have term limits. To focus their attention on the country as a whole not themselves.

  12. I think that term limits are a must have and should be implemented immediately. If congressmen don't need to worry about being reelected then they won't waste money on pork barrel spending and use it on actually useful things. Also as Kanye said, "No one man should have all that power"

  13. I think that term limits could very so benefit us. Getting a fresh variety of people allows new concepts brought in office and brings new ideas.

  14. I think that there should be term limits because it gives different types of people a chance to run, and they could bring in new, advanced ideas.

  15. I am in favor of limiting congress men/women to a limit of 6 years because it would limit pork barrel spending as well as other useless expenditures. The people who are here to represent America are making a mockery of our country and everything we stand for. Funds spent on rabbit massages and post apocalyptic situations would be better spent on, oh I don't know, education or cancer research. I think the greater good is really, in this case, unaffected by these bogus amendments. A 6 year term would also speed up the process of integrating people of all walks of life and cultures into office. The best course of action would be to keep the flow of congress going and filtering them out after the term is over.

    1. Wow your so clever

    2. You don't need to correct me I no what I'm doing... GOD! Millennials are the worst...

    3. agreed-_- those darn millennials @XoXoZUBER

  16. I believe term limits would be practical in congress because more people would have the ability to create diversity in the office and the opportunity to make more ideas. There is a limited number in congressional demographics, and allowing more people into office can increase the diversity among the districts which can also lead to more opportunities for different organizations to be represented.

  17. I believe that there should be term limits. According to the article, "About 80 percent of Americans support the concept..." The majority of Americans want term limits so it should happen. Term limits allow more people to go through office. This means more ideas and possibly more people of different backgrounds are represented. "The shorter limits for the House are guaranteed to enhance the competitiveness of elections and increase the number and diversity of Americans choosing to run for Congress."
    -Shereen Al-Saoudi

  18. I think terms are a benefit because it can bring a new set of people to office. They can bring fresh ideas and improvements
    - Nick Cortez

  19. I think it would be good to have term limits in congress because it will help limit the power that congress members have. It would make sense too, considering the presidents term is limited. A change in congress every once in a while, getting new people in there would be be for it, especially considering how low its approval rating is.

  20. I believe that an amendment that gives congress a certain amount of limited terms should be put into effect. Though keeping incumbents in office lets there be more overall experience in congress, there definitely needs to be change within the members of congress so new ideas can be shared. Additionally, it has been proven that without any limitations to how long a member of congress can be in office it makes it harder for new candidates to be elected due to the familiarity of the current incumbents. - Lawrence Crockett


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