
Welcome to the AP World History blog, "The Speakers' Corner". This blog will be our springboard into the 10,000 years of history that we are about explore. This forum borrows its name from one of the most storied forums in world history, Speakers' Corner at Hyde Park. Some of modern history's most divisive issues such as communism and abolition have been debated as supporters and hecklers weighed the issues. But it was not the issues or personalities that made this forum so famous; it was toleration, a peaceful and open exchange of ideas.

Just as people have collaborated for millenniums, we will utilize this resource as a medium to exchange thoughts and ideas to build our own base for the AP test in May. Every two weeks starting on June 9th, I will post to this blog. The topics might be a discussion point, video, or primary document just to name a few. For each post, please comment with a 3-5 sentence response (you can write more) as the summer assignment requires. If you have lost your copy of the summer assignment, you can click on the link at the top of the blog.

 Good Luck!


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