Western Imperialism

For your area, please identify the information that you found in your regions.

Remember to answer the following questions:

Your area:

1.  What countries were the imperial powers in your area?
2.  How did the western culture influence your people?
3.  How did your people group influence the westerners?
4.  How did the indigenous people react to western rule?


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  2. Rachel, Lauren, and Nia


    1) Britain was the main imperial power in south Asia, they came to power through their trading company and warring with indian princes paired with the collapse of the Mughal empire.

    2) Britain influenced India by initiating a railroad and road system. Industrialization ruined indian economy, created banks, education, hospitals, and mining and indentured servitude also become prevalent.

    3) Indian provided Britain with their products in the market industry and fueled their economy.

    4) The Indians rebelled to British involvement with such occurrences like the Sepoy mutiny.

    1. Europe is imperializing: France Germany Italy Belgium Britain, Spain, Portugal
    Berlin Conference--> said who was taking what
    Local rulers sought Europeans as allies so they could establish superiority over their enemies. --> intense national flag waving and expressions of loyalty; racial arrogance
    Boers and natives vs. Britain

    2. Railroads
    education and religion spread
    Europeans justified entering Africa by saying that they were helping their savage culture
    American slaves went back to Africa and created large settlements of freed slaves

    3. Provides European manufacturers with raw goods for their industrial revolutions
    diamonds, gold, palm oil, rubber, ivory

    4.Resisted by not paying taxes, migration to other areas, secret religious societies
    Boers and natives resisted the British and fought a war to prevent them from occupying
    Some areas provided concessions of minerals to Europe so they avoid a full out occupation

  4. South East Asia

    1. British, French, German, Netherlands, and the United States.
    2. Industrial technology, religious ideas, and government.
    3. Provided spices and teas and java replaces sugar.
    4. They accepted it because the imperialist military was too strong for them.


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