Mail Call

I have always wondered what happens when you write the president.  I have written many times to my local representatives and mayor etc. and I am usually greeted with a form letter response with a printed or sometimes penned signature at the bottom.  But, I have never actually taken the time to write the person sitting in the highest office in the United States.  I think that I have not done so because I never really believed the letters would be read or even opened.  So I was quite surprised to find out what actually happens when you write the President.

Roman Mars, the host of 99% Invisible, a Podcast that is based out of Oakland California, created an episode titled "Ten Letters for the President."  In the episode he takes a look into the Office of Presidential Correspondence which handles all letters, emails, and packages sent to President Obama.   Take a listen (click on the picture below), and if you want a little extra credit, pen a letter to Barack Obama, and you and I can send out letters together.  We will see what kind of response we get.  


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