Things are about to get interesting...

So, just as we thought we were about to get some reprieve from the the 2016 Election, we received some news that might drag the election out for quite sometime.  In an article from Vox, one elector that will be casting a ballot to elect the president in December has stated that he will not be voting for Hillary Clinton regardless of how the popular vote turns out in the state of Washington.  This essentially bumps Mrs. Clinton's magic number to 271 electoral votes.  Another elector from the state of Washington has echoed similar sentiments.

The elector is a Bernie Sanders supporter, he is wanting to make a political statement that will "wake America up."  This may have a huge impact on the election in the event of several swing states including New Hampshire, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and others going to Donald Trump.  If this occurs, it becomes very likely that there will be two candidates without the necessary votes to become president.  Then the House of Representatives will have its way.

So, what do you think?  Is this democracy at its best?  Or, is this an example of a broken system that needs to be fixed?


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