What will Trump do?

What will a Trump Administration do?

Energy and the Environment
Foreign Policy
Economy and Taxes
Judicial Appointments

1. Research online to develop clues as to what President-elect Donald Trump will work to accomplish on one of the topics above

2.  Predictions

Prediction(s) about what Trump will want to do:  Prepare a summary of at least one paragraph, five sentences in length, as to your prediction(s) of what Trump will push/pursue by way of new legislation, a change in enforcement practices and/or new policy about your topic.  Keep in mind the President-elect, a Republican, will have a Republican Congress with which to work and so it should be easier for him to implement his agenda than it would have been with a Democratic controlled or split Congress.  However, as events have indicated, Trump’s relationship with the Republican Party may be described as tense.

Cite at least three online sources in support of your prediction(s).

Prediction(s) with justification on the success you expect the President-elect will have with his changes/policies:  Will the change(s) be implemented and if so will they be successful and have a positive effect for the nation?  Will they meet the approval of the American people?  Will they make America a better place?  Again, prepare a summary of at least one paragraph, five sentences in length, with your prediction(s) and justification/support of your prediction(s).


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